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The Pit

And The PenduluM

1. My Favorite/Most Impactful Part of this project was finding our final prediction equations. Because I finally got to use something that wasn't familiar to me equation wise. Because I've never worked with a square root function and, at first with our prediction was very off, and then I quickly realized that we had used a linear equation, which made the prediction very off from what my classmates got. 

2. My Most favorite piece of work would be my portfolio for the last project of the year because it's the most effort I've put in and the cover letter has a lot more effort than I usually put into. Because I feel like this was the most important portfolio because it was such a big project. 

3. I am most proud of learning and achieving new things in math. I love math and sometimes I don't think I can do it, but at the same time, I've been yearning to learn new ways to solve problems/more complex problems.

4. My biggest area for growth would have to be organized because I'm not the most organized person in the world and this class has taught me to be more organized in my work. 

5. What if you increased the size of the pendulum?

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